"I got your book – Wow! How very cool is this!I am looking forward to the right time to pass it on to my son. Definitely a keeper and a great idea." - Grant Kaul

"I love your latest book. That is killer." - Dan Waldschmidt

"We wanted to thank you for sending us such a personalized copy of your book. There are so many people in this world today that need to hear of God’s unconditional love. You are an amazing writer and we are so blessed and know that it was God’s will that you were a HUGE part of Jacob’s book." - Joe, Yvonne and Jacob Berry

"That book u sent is awesome! Let’s talk? That is incredibly impressive!" - Tim Davis

"Loved the book. I’m already coming up with ways to apply it." - Jon Matas

"The book is awesome and just the perfect tool to use in a small group setting to transform lives." - Beth Lottig

"What a wonderful book! The chapters speak to my son so clearly, it seems as if you wrote it specifically for him! I was so touched and astonished. Nate has always understood God’s love for others but never for himself... I’m always giving him memory verses regarding this. I just pray that it will make a difference in the long run. Thank you so much. Can’t wait to read the whole thing to Nathan. " - Dana

"Awesome book!" - David O’Connor, CFRE